True Stories from the Field – Marine to Nurse Staff | Updated/Verified: Oct 23, 2024

For Sgt. Hope Wozniac, transitioning out of the U.S. Marine Corps and into a civilian career was unsettling. "When I was trying to decide what I wanted to do after I got out of the Marine Corps," writes Sgt. Wozniac, "I thought of jobs that would allow me to continue to help and serve my country, and nursing came to mind. So, I pursued that journey once I left the military."

Sgt. Wozniac attended the required Transition Assistant Program (TAP) that provided her guidance and information on what to expect outside of the military, resources to help in the transition, and career planning to help her decide on a new career path. The program even helped her build a new resume and confidence through practice interviews.

With the aid of the Post 9-11 GI Bill, Wozniac was able to pursue her new dream of becoming a registered nurse. Although she was not able to receive any college credits for her time as a Special Communication Collection Analyst for the U.S. Military, her time in service prepared her for nursing school overall. "I think it prepared me for anything really. Especially with the discipline it instilled in me."