Nurses make a critical difference in the lives of their patients and family members every day – and on a wider scope, influence the health of entire communities. Nurses work to deliver excellent care and to advance public policy so that everyone can live a healthy life with as little primary intervention as possible. In order to further their professional and personal goals, many RNs with an Associate’s Degree in Nursing strive to continue their education through a platform that is flexible – that is, the RN to BSN track offered at many in-state universities.

2024 List of RN to BSN Programs in North Dakota

Earning the distinction of a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing (BSN) can not only give you the upper hand when applying for positions, but it can also award you a higher annual salary. Throughout the state, there are 5 different RN to BSN programs that can help nursing candidates earn their degree and distinction. A BSN nurse can find themselves looking at opportunities in specialized units, public health, and an array of different avenues of nursing. Depending on the location and avenue of nursing selected, a BSN nurse has the potential to earn an average of $60,000 to more than $70,000 per year.

Find RN to BSN Programs By City:

Bismarck, ND

Division of Nursing
7500 University Drive
Bismarck, ND 58504
(701) 355-8173

Grand Forks, ND

College of Nursing and Professional Disciplines
430 Oxford St
Grand Forks, ND 58202
(701) 777-4544

Mayville, ND

Nursing Program
330 Third Street, NE
Mayville, ND 58257
(701) 788-4716

Minot, ND

Department of Nursing
500 University Ave W
Minot, ND 58707

Are we missing your school's program or need to update information listed? Please contact us so we can make the necessary changes.

Admissions Requirements for North Dakota RN to BSN Programs

North Dakota RNs who opt to further their education and add to their credentials by completing an RN to BSN program will find that the admissions requirements are somewhat familiar to them. Requirements vary from state to state and between institutions, but RNs can expect to have to prove or submit the following documents in order to gain acceptance to the program of their choice:

  • ADN degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Current, unencumbered RN license, valid in North Dakota
  • Provide evidence of satisfactory grades in prerequisite subjects
  • Provide up-to-date immunization documents

RN to BSN Classes & Courses

Dickinson State University is committed to transforming RNs into innovative leaders who have moved beyond bedside skillsets to being able to direct and influence patient health outcomes and determining factors, as well as become involved in shaping policy and leadership as our health care system undergoes a radical change. Courses like the following help mold nurses into proud and decisive baccalaureate graduates:

  • NURS 331 Community Health
  • NURS 425 Nursing Leadership & Management
  • NURS 436 Advanced Concepts across the Lifespan

Online RN to BSN Programs in North Dakota

Nurses who are returning to school don’t have to worry about paying out-of-state premiums to complete their degrees. Throughout the state, there are a number of RN to BSN completion programs that are offered, enabling students to work toward their degree in an efficient and flexible manner. For some programs, there is the option of attending on-campus sessions, but most have flexible entry dates, and offerings that are entirely online.

Admissions and Program Length

In Minot State University‘s online RN to BSN program, students require 122 credits to achieve their BSN degree. Both the required core, foundational content, and graduation requirements can be attained through online courses, transfer credits, and challenge exams. When choosing full-time enrollment, the RN is able to complete Minot’s curriculum in less than 18 months. Timelines vary as every student’s transfer status is evaluated individually.

Tuition and Cost of Attendance

The University of North Dakota offers in-state tuition fees regardless of the residency status of its U.S. students. Online RN to BSN students can complete their degree with 30 credit hours. UND students can expect to pay about $350 per credit hour. Tuition rates can fluctuate so it’s always a good idea to check the school of choice for current figures. Investigate options for financial aid in order to continue their education at the lowest cost possible.

Does an RN to BSN Increase My Salary?

Generally, most people who improve or increase their credentials will find that they are eligible for more pay, or for more job duties that lead to more pay. However, it’s possible that you may need to leave your present job and take on a different nursing job in order to gain that pay. You’re more likely to get jobs in the field of post-acute care and nursing informatics with the help of a BSN, and international nurse-volunteering organizations are always on the lookout for highly qualified candidates.

RN to BSN Salary Comparison in North Dakota

ADN-prepared RNs often attain and stay in the lowest salary bracket – even after years of service and continuing education credentials. It’s only with a BSN degree or higher than nurses who experience true upward mobility when it comes to wages. The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not differentiate between different types of credentials of nurses so what follows is an educated guess based on BLS salary data. Entry-level nurses start at about $43,000 per year or a little over $20 per hour. With further degrees or advancements, ND RNs could earn up to about $80,000 per year, depending on where and how much they work.

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