Choosing the Best CNA Programs in South Carolina

To become a CNA in the state of South Carolina, you must first enroll in a state-approved nursing assistant training program. These are typically found in community and vocational colleges across the state. A good training program can be worth its weight in gold, as healthcare facilities are eager to hire competent graduates from reputable schools. For more detailed information about enrolling in a CNA program in South Carolina, check out our CNA Training Programs Admissions page. To help you narrow down the schools that are right for you, take the following into consideration as you research available options:

  • Program Length: CNA training programs can vary in length from a few weeks to a few months. The curriculum will consist of classroom learning and clinical experiences. Make sure to check out some sample schedules to see what the days and hours are like. Some schools may accommodate night and/or weekend courses, but generally take longer to finish than those that run during regular daytime hours.
  • Program Cost: This is another area that can fluctuate wildly depending on the school. Students will need to factor in the expenses of tuition, textbooks, scrubs, and other supplies. Some schools include all of this in their program price, while others will list these costs separately. It's important to fully understand the scope of expenses before you settle on a CNA program. As an example, the CNA program through the Professional Medical Training Center, with locations in Florence and Conway, will run students roughly $835 for tuition and tuberculosis testing. This does not include additional required expenses, including books, exam fees, and more.
  • Online/In-Person Options: Some schools allow students to take the classroom portion of the program online. This type of delivery method is ideal for those who are continuing to work or have other obligations that might make attending a traditional on-campus program difficult. Keep in mind that clinical hours must still be attended in-person. For those who enjoy the collaborative environment of a classroom, a traditional in-person program may make more sense.

2023 List of CNA Classes in South Carolina

To get a feel for the CNA curriculum in South Carolina, see our list of classes and courses available in the state:

Anderson, SC

CNA Programs
601 E River St
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 225-7653

Beaufort, SC

CNA Programs
921 Ribaut Rd
Beaufort, SC 29902
(843) 525-8211

Columbia, SC

CNA Programs
2430 Atlas Rd
Columbia, SC 29209
(803) 647-5599

2712 Middleburg Dr #222
Columbia, SC 29204
(803) 588-9158

CNA Programs
151 Powell Rd
Columbia, SC 29203
(803) 738-8324

Conway, SC

2050 US-501
Conway, SC 29526
(843) 347-3186

Denmark, SC

CNA Programs
1126 Soloman Blatt Blvd
Denmark, SC 29042
(803) 793-5176

Florence, SC

2715 W Lucas St
Florence, SC 29501
(843) 661-8324

CNA Programs
2204 2nd Loop Rd B
Florence, SC 29501
(843) 678-9135

Graniteville, SC

CNA Programs
2276 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Graniteville, SC 29829
(803) 593-9231

Greenville, SC

CNA Programs
506 S Pleasantburg Dr
Greenville, SC 29607
(864) 250-8000

CNA Programs
348 Feaster Rd
Greenville, SC 29615
(864) 458-3590

Greenwood, SC

CNA Programs
601 East Northside Drive
Greenwood, SC 29649
(864) 941-5750

Greer, SC

1305 Boiling Springs Rd
Greer, SC 29650
(864) 458-7566

Inman, SC

CNA Programs
5620 SC-11
Inman, SC 29349
(864) 592-2790

Kingstree, SC

CNA Programs
601 Martin Luther King Jr Ave,
Kingstree, SC 29556
(843) 355-4110

Lake City, SC

CNA Programs
278 State Rd S-21-1413
Lake City, SC 29560
(843) 394-7233

Lancaster,, SC

CNA Programs
1824 Highway 9 Byp W,
Lancaster,, SC 29720
(803) 286-4121

North Charleston, SC

CNA Programs
1818 Norwood St
North Charleston, SC 29405
(843) 744-1249

CNA Programs
7000 Rivers Ave
North Charleston, SC 29406
(843) 574-6111

Orangeburg, SC

CNA Programs
3250 St Matthews Rd
Orangeburg, SC 29118
(803) 536-0311

Rock Hill, SC

CNA Programs
452 S Anderson Rd
Rock Hill, SC 29730
(803) 327-8000

Spartanburg, SC

CNA Programs
107 Community College Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29303
(864) 592-4600

Sumter, SC

506 N Guignard Dr
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 778-1961

Walterboro, SC

CNA Programs
254 Green Pond Hwy
Walterboro, SC 29488
(843) 782-4646

Are we missing your school's program or need to update information listed? Please contact us so we can make the necessary changes.

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