RN to MSN and BSN to MSN Programs

Registered nurses have two ways to acquire a Master of Science in Nursing. Both depend on how you qualified as a Registered Nurse. If your route was through the ADN-RN route, then you must pursue an RN to BSN degree. For BSN graduates, you need a BSN to MSN degree. Both cover the same subjects, but ADN to BSN takes longer and has more courses to catch up to the BSN graduates. Both types are generally available as full-time, and as part-time studies. Increasingly, some are available as hybrid programs.

Typical Program Length

  • ADN/RN to MSN programs take six semesters over two years (full-time)
  • BSN to MSN programs take four semesters over one year to fifteen months (full-time)

Typical Admission Requirements

  • Registered nursing license – no record blemishes
  • ADN or BSN, fully accredited
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA on the 4.0 scale. Some may request higher grades for entry
  • Two or three recommendation letters. If you don't have this, your resume detailing your health experience
  • CPR certification
  • Satisfactory completion of all mandatory prerequisite courses – each college has a selection and different numbers required

2024 List of MSN Programs in Minnesota

Pediatric Nurse, Pain Management, Gerontological Nurse, these are all areas of nursing that are potentially open to candidates that hold an MSN degree. If you think that these or any number of the specialized areas are of interest to you and influence your future as a nurse, you may want to consider an MSN degree. There are currently an estimated 5 colleges that offer RN to MSN programs to help nurses bridge their next steps in professional development, either full-time or part-time, and some are being offered online to fit the needs of working nurses.

MSN Programs By City:

Duluth, MN

MSN Programs
1200 Kenwood Avenue
Duluth, MN 55811
(800) 447-5444

Marshall, MN

1501 State St.
Marshall, MN 56258
(800) 642-0684

Minneapolis, MN

MSN Programs
225 South 6th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
(877) 884-0733

Henrietta Schmoll School of Health
601 25th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(651) 690-6000

MSN Programs
308 Harvard Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 624-9600

100 Washington Avenue South Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55401
(844) 768-1124

Moorhead, MN

Rochester, MN

MSN Programs
810 3rd Avenue SE
Rochester, MN 55454
(612) 330-1326

St Paul, MN

MSN Programs
Gateway Services, Founders Hall, 1st Floor, 700 7th Street East
St Paul, MN 55106
(651) 793-1300

St. Paul, MN

MSN Programs
3900 Bethel Drive
St. Paul, MN 55112
(651) 638-6400

Winona, MN

MSN Programs
700 Terrace Heights
Winona, MN 55987
(507) 452-4430

Are we missing your school's program or need to update information listed? Please contact us so we can make the necessary changes.

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