RN to MSN and BSN to MSN Programs

Considering a great Master of Science in Nursing in Michigan? Which type you choose depends on your current level of experience and qualification. Registered Nurses with Associate Degrees must enter an RN to MSN program. Those with bachelor's degrees in nursing (BSN) must take the BSN to MSN. You will learn the same things but ADNs require extra study to bring them up to the same level as BSNs (as those degrees were less intense). RN to MSN programs also take longer to complete due to this extra content. You should find plenty of flexible options too including part-time and fully online.

Typical Program Length

  • BSN to MSN is a 12–14-month program of four semesters
  • RN/ADN to MSN is a 24–30-month program of six semesters

Typical Admission Requirements

  • A current, valid, RN license in good standing
  • An ADN or BSN – must be accredited regionally
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0 GPA on the 4.0 scale
  • Two or three recommendation letters
  • Alternatively, a resume with details of your clinical experience
  • CPR certification
  • Complete prerequisite courses with minimum stated grades

2024 List of MSN Programs in Michigan

RN to MSN programs can be found in at least 5 colleges across the state, whose offerings extend to both traditional delivery methods or online. Some programs offer full online accessibility making it easier to obtain your degree while continuing to uphold professional responsibilities, all the while being able to obtain your degree from the comforts of home. Specialties that might present themselves as options with an MSN degree include critical care nurse, clinical nurse specialist, and more. Michigan encourages individuals to maximize their potential for growth by earning an MSN.

MSN Programs By City:

Ann Arbor, MI

Big Rapids, MI

200 Ferris Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2270

Center, MI

7400 Bay Road University
Center, MI 48710
(989) 964-4000

Detroit, MI

East Lansing, MI

Flint, MI

MSN Programs
303 E. Kearsley Street
Flint, MI 48502
(810) 762-3300

Grand Rapids, MI

301 Michigan St. NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 331-7160

Kalamazoo, MI

MSN Programs
903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
(269) 387-1000

Livonia, MI

Rochester, MI

318 Meadow Brook Rd
Rochester, MI 48309
(248) 370-2100

Spring Arbor, MI

Ypsilanti, MI

Are we missing your school's program or need to update information listed? Please contact us so we can make the necessary changes.

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